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How to Incrrease Conversions With the Help of Intelligent Testing and Tracking

Posted on
  • Thursday, May 19, 2011
  • by
  • Nirav Patel - SEO Professional
  • in
  • Performance improvement testing is a practice that far too few Internet marketers do. Ask any professional web marketer, and you are going to hear the same thing again and again. Testing is powerful and versatile because of the range of applicability to be determined with utilizinng it. There are so many places where testing can be valuable such as your homepage, primary article pages, sales copy, squeeze pages and other things. For sales copy or squeeze pages, the best item to evaluate first is normally the title. Since the primary testing process involves A/B split testing, there are going to be no issues with it. Keep reading because we will discuss some useful information pertaining to testing and getting your tracking all set up. It truly is critical to get these things right if you have a lot of free website traffic by using SenukeX.

    Testing exclusively will not do anything that could help you. Whenever you stumble upon anything pertaining to testing, you can assume you must perform tracking, too. You need to know each time a visitor clicks through one of your links on the page you are testing. Technically, with a squeeze or landing page you will be able to ascertain how many people you are converting into subscribers. If you want an effective tracking script that doesn't cost anything, then you may want to consider Google Analytics.

    Here is a truth regarding writing copy - no one gets the ultimate it can ever be right out of the gate. The same with making websites, or design, siince they can have errors in them that could cause troubles. You may not believe this, but expert copywriters very often do not get it right with any new piece of copy. What that is saying is the only way to make something the best it can be is by testing and optimizing. It actually does not matter why a lot of marketers do not test, just make sure that you do.

    The most simplistic approach to evaluate a squeeze page, for example, is to use a simple URL rotator script. Majority, if not all, URL rotator scripts are available with instructions, and they really are not tough to use. You will need two copies of the page you are testing because they are going to have something that is different between the two pages. Maake sure you just modify one thing such as the title, for example. You need to measure conversion rate improvements, and that means you have to pinpoint what triggered the change. You can test more than one element at a time with the help of the Taguchi multivariate testing, but that is pretty complicated for virtually all marketers.

    To illustrate, I had a product and promoted it through Adwords PPC, and then I started doing tests on it with the goal to enahnce conversion rates. The conversion was below 1% when I rolled it out to cold visitors. I was able to increase the conversion rate to more or less 7% with PPC traffic which is extremely difficult to achieve. Hopefully you distinctly see that testing and optimizing your sites will work out for you.


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