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Medical Tourism and Your Employee Benefit Plan

Posted on
  • Saturday, July 9, 2011
  • by
  • Nirav Patel - SEO Professional
  • in
  • Any of you that have been listening to Medical Tourism and travel have spotted that it looks to be filling up fast, everyday my tracking software registers a new company or a new country throwing their hat into the ring. Well yes medical tourism is an expansion industry but my question is did you know where the real expansion is. Now the second question that comes to mind since my hat is also resolutely in the ring is what quantity of it do I actually want to tell you.
    Well the answer is found in the area of Journalistic integrity and a certain childish attention grabbing streak that runs along the lines of look how smart I'm and actually just without knowing when to keep my gob shut. So here goes. Many of you in the bizz with any integrity in regards to current issues having an effect on Medical Tourism know that the self insurance model in the US is becoming something of a prerequisite given the increase in medicare costs and more specifically non-public health insurance costs. What many of you may not know however is what share of the companies using the self insurance mode really have a Medical travel Component and of a deeper issue set in regards to what hurdles roadblocks and issues are these forward thinking corporations facing when attempting not only to execute medical travel in their programs but as importantly how do you get people to overcome their fears and trust their medical care to a foreign doctor in a bizarre land.
    Well its simple according to one of the sector figures I interviewed latterly but who will remain unnamed for now. YOU PAY THEM It seems extremely simple. However the problems of a medical travel option for firms does not end there, responsibility is a serious issue, finding the right reliable suppliers and partners in a foreign country is an endeavor that needs serious minded due diligence. If you r administrator or facilitator has not visited the locale they're sending you to then you should not go.
    However Health Check Costa Rica in association with the Promed Council of Costa Rica is attempting to clarify the process for individuals and corporations alike. We have even gone so far as to create a 56 page guide for firms considering a Medical Travel option.
    Costa Rica offers up to 70% savings on hospital therapy that is rated higher than the united states for quality, modernity and service. Health Check Costa Rica is a firm that specialises in making custom medical travel packages for people that would like to take advantage of the amazing services offered.



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