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Use These Tips to Increase Your Page Rank

Posted on
  • Saturday, August 27, 2011
  • by
  • Nirav Patel - SEO Professional
  • in
  • Are you like most webmasters, always on the lookout for ways to get more traffic and increase page rank? "Yes" is what most people would answer and if that's the case, you have found the right article! Your site's page rank, which is assigned by Google, isn't that hard to understand and raise if you apply yourself. There are specific things you may to do raise a website's page rank, nothing is hard but you need to be committed to doing the work. Success won't happen overnight but if you are strong dedicated to do the work which is required it will happen! The main thing you must remember is you have to simply take action. Once you get your plan in place, make it happen.

    Using internet marketing expert and When it comes to increasing page rank, writing and publishing articles with article directories is a very effective way to raise page rank. One of the more popular places to publish articles is EzineArticles.com. This site only accepts high quality articles which provide value to the reader. Another site to consider is GoArticles.com. Both sites have a high page rank. Just so you stay within the rules and don't get your account closed, make sure to read the rules for each individual article directory before submitting articles.

    Even the tiniest of infringements could result in you losing your account with an article directory. Since article directories provide such a simple and effective method for website owners to raise their page rank, you really can't afford to not stay on their good sides.

    A smart way to boost the page rank of individual pages of your site is to interlink all the pages. It's true: Google is a big fan of internal linking. Think on Wikipedia: the site has gotten large and popular partly because of the unique interlinking structure of the site. The smooth navigation between pages shows Google that you value the content on your site. All of this ultimately leads to a higher page rank, which is exactly what you're looking for.

    An Internet Marketing Experts Tip: There are many web directories out there that have a high page rank, and the best part? Submitting your site to these directories is a great way to go. By submitting your site to directories like these your page rank only has one way to go - up. For the most part you can find plenty of free directories where you can submit your site but that doesn't mean there aren't some quality paid options like Yahoo! Directory available too. The ability to quickly and easily submit your site to a directory is a great way to improve page rank so always be on the lookout for these sites while surfing.

    Whatever your website seems to be focused on, without fresh new content to keep it going, it will slowly fade into obscurity and will receive little love from search engines. Conversions are the life's blood of your site or blog but without targeted traffic coming your way it's nearly impossible to get. It will also be difficult to harness sales and capture new leads. Boosting your page rank will be just what is needed to help you really get that targeted traffic that your site will not be able to thrive without.


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