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Websites For Accountants- Personalizing Your Standard Website Increases Your Marketing Power

Posted on
  • Sunday, September 25, 2011
  • by
  • Nirav Patel - SEO Professional
  • in
  • Owners can select any amount of promotional methods to apply to exceptional websites for accountants. Some of your choices will be low-priced, others may be pricey or time consuming. This report is going to focus on a few of the very basics that can sometimes get missed in the challenge of "getting on the leading page of a Yahoo query." True, you want prospective clients to be able to pull your company's site up if they're performing a search for a firm equivalent to yours. In order for search engines to grab your site, you need to practice Search Engine Optimization, but it's easy to do it wrong. If you'd like to hire someone to do the work for you, there are many companies out there who would be happy to do so, and they'll be sure to empty your pockets. But don't get ahead of yourself. A site with top placement that isn't personable isn't going to win over any hearts. Now let's start with these basic first steps, before worrying about everything else that comes with Search Engine Optimization.

    Content Rules- Make sure you understand how far great content can take your site. A website that's doesn't have any engaging resources for it's prospects is going to lose visitors fairly quickly. Make sure your website has a lot of good information on it. Everything from your information about your company's products and services, to you company's history and employee profiles. Your website should answer every question a prospect may be asking. Visitors won't need to seek out answers on a competitor's site if your site already answers their questions.

    Make it personal- People like to connect with other people. Win prospects over before they even visit your office, with personalized content and photos. Most of us trust our neighbors more than a stranger in another zip code, so help your prospective clients understand that you're right nearby. Encourage employees to include information about their families in their bios. This helps prospects see more of your personality, which helps to build a connection. Personalization sets your site apart from all the other unoriginal websites for accountants out there.

    The possibilities are endless when you add personal touches to your site. Include everything and anything that shows people who you are outside of work. When taking part in fundraisers and when volunteering your time, be sure to include those events on your charity page. It may not be best to 'brag' about it on your home page, but your clients and prospective clients will love to see that you and your employees care about the community you're in. You could also list upcoming local events on a separate page on your site. This will lead viewers to believe that you socialize within your community and that you enjoy the same activities they like. Allowing your clients to go to community events that you will be attending gives them the opportunity to communicate with you on a more personal level. You could also include a corkboard page where clients can post flyers to spread the word about their upcoming event. If your corkboard page becomes popular, you may even see an increase in site traffic, beginning with that page.

    Envision your hairdresser, auto-mechanic or someone else you work with on a routine basis. What do they do to stand out in your mind? Are they cordial? Prompt? Pros? Think of those businessmen/women when building your site, and remember to include your standout qualities. Building connections through personalized content is the best first step in building good websites for accountants. Later, you may sway your attention to Search Engine Optimization.


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