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Writing Job Advertisements For Small Businesses

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  • Monday, September 19, 2011
  • by
  • Nirav Patel - SEO Professional
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  • When writing job advertisements as you post a job ad for some out tasking work, you’ll get a whole lot of people bidding on the job. Don’t select the first person that comes through, especially when you first get started. There are auto systems out there that that will scan and trawl for jobs and then they’ll auto post a response saying, yes, we can do this, this and this. It’s clearly a canned response. So make sure that you don’t select the first person.

    The second thing is make sure that you put as much detail in as you can. Usually when I first post the job I’m a little bit broader and a little bit more general. When it comes to selecting the person and then working with the person, the more detail that you can give them, the quicker, the cheaper, the better quality, it will be. The more detail you give when you’re working with virtual assistants just will give you a hundred times better result.

    I usually start writing job ads with the exact same thing when I post SEO services job openings in vWorker. I open with the same sentence like this one: ‘Here is an easy work for somebody who knows what they’re doing.’ Consider what these people will think upon reading your job ad. If you include that sentence as you start writing your job advertisement today, then they will find the job ad easy if their skills match their requirements.

    Typically by putting that sentence in as well, you’ll get more competitive rates. It stops people saying when they post a bid, oh, that’s a very hard job. I’m going to have to jack the price up. So it really is a good pre frame when writing job advertisements for online applicants.

    Another thing remember in posting your job ad is to think like the person you want to apply. What is it, that they want to read? What motivates them to apply for the job? If they need some stability then provide the idea of this job as an ongoing work if they are going to show impressive performance. Tell them that you will consider them as part of your virtual bench and that you will give them consistent work.

    So that way, you’re attracting a higher quality individual to work for you. I would like for it to be considered as a bit more competitive since they are going to get ongoing work. Often I’ll let them know, go take a look at my feedback on my vWorker account and they’ll see. In vWorker I pay many people with some bonuses for their performance and because that’s what I do for ongoing work. I don’t relist the job, I’ll speak with them once I’ve developed a rapport with them, and just pay them back as a bonus for a job well done. That’s really appealing to someone looking to do out tasking work.

    If there might be some sort of intellectual property component of a project that you’re a bit scared about listing in detail, I do a couple of things. You might keep it a bit broader. You might say, look, I want two or three people to bid on this broader context of what I want. I’m going to pick the top three. Pick the top three, get them to sign an NDA, a non disclosure agreement and then we’ll refine the bids after that. In that process you can interview people. With most of the software, you can have your fifty people who have bid on the job and then interview three people. Before you go down that process, get them to sign some NDAs.

    In my experience of writing job advertisements, if you’re doing something that is seriously private and seriously needs some high level NDA, non disclosure agreements in place, I wouldn’t be going to India or the Philippines for a start. I’d be looking at someone locally to work on my small business internet marketing project. You’re going to pay a premium, but you’re going to have a lot more control. Hopefully, if it’s that valuable to you, you can pay the extra $2000 today if you’re going to make it on the back end. If you’re doing something in this way, it shouldn’t be that private.


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