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Useful Pointers - Can You Tell If Forty Somethings And Beyond Have A Preference For Stacking Chairs?

Posted on
  • Tuesday, October 4, 2011
  • by
  • Nirav Patel - SEO Professional
  • in
  • In this world of event planning very much has changed in 10 years. Back in the roaring 80s and 90s, when the economy seemed to be whistling along rather well, organisations planned events with consistency and the event planner's job was a good deal less complicated. There was clearly some predictability and it was not usually important to act like the cat and think outside the box so much, merely in order to provide a spark of interest. Today, whilst event planning business is still substantial, it's not as intuitive as it was previously.

    You have to be able to grasp the needs of the target audience anytime you’re planning an event, or seeking to fill up an event space on a regular basis. First of all, you need to understand that a large group may be composed of many different generations at one time. We now have the Baby Boomers who are very experienced and may be rather set in their ways, we've got Generation X, who still feel as if they are in the prime of their lives and motivational and at the other end of the range we've got Generation Y. Each has a different perspective and yet each might be associated with your particular event or perhaps be participating in your functions on a regular basis.

    How you manage and market your event in this cross-generational fashion will influence your success. You might find that one group mainly favours some sort of format or setup. For example, you may have to set up banquet tables and stacking chairs in a particular fashion in line with the very makeup of the group concerned. You might want to make alterations in your A/V setup and presentation and be careful to ensure that you don't upset a particular group over another while you do so. There is lots to think about, when you need to make an event truly successful and profitable for those concerned. It is no longer simply satisfactory to open the doors and present your wares to the participants, when levels of competition are so strong in the business.

    Today you need to micromanage your plans if you are associated with putting together an event space, or are an event planner. You should know how individual groups in your group prefer particular items and have a tendency to avoid others. For example, will this particular subgroup prefer a folding chair or favour something a little more substantive?


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